Have you think about how do google know that this is a Valid or Invalid AdClick? Google Adsense serve a large number of ads and it necessary to findout the fraud or invalid clicks on ads. Here is a Google Invalid Clicks Tracking Methods below which helps everyone to understand that how google can trace your clicks. Google can easily track you and collect your behaviour and data which you have browsed. Google is a leading ad company and manage everything very smartly. As you know that Google Adsense allows to earn from valid clicks or page impressions. Ads are automatically distributed according to page materiel. Google adsense is very popular become Bloggers and everyone willing to get Adsense account. Many users making fraud clicks and try to earn easy money. But they often get banned because of Invalid Clicks method by Google.
But question is that How Google will detect invalid clicks? Google has highly sophisticated systems to detect invalid clicks. These are several ways to detect Invalid clicks:
IP Address: Its very common ways to detect invalid clicks almost all ads companies are using this method. Once you login to your account, your IP will be trace for such invalid click.
GEO Location: It has very powerful tools to detect from Geological Locations.
Cookies: Google will set cookies on your computer,that can trace even you restart your connection. Very strong tool for it. Your Website/Blog Design: Google will clearly say that adsense user must Read Terms of Services (TOS) before use. Its has clearly mention that don’t offer visitors to click on ads and clearly mention that ADS wherever there is ads. You should not ask anyone to click on ads.
Way of Click: The way of click is artificial intelligence,Normally peoples will surf net and click on the ads but peoples intentionally click on ads as they enter wesite/blog.
Google Services: Other google services will detect the invalid clicks (Youtube, gmail, gtalk etc).
Also google has many other Detection and monitoring technique and Advance monitoring technique to find such activities.
Remember that once you had been in invalid click scam the Google will suspend or ban your Account with or without intimation. You must take care of this things to prevent your adsense account getting banned. For easy earning don't go for a invalid methods and I wish for a good earning to you.
Google decided to sharing the revenue shares for two main AdSense products i.e. AdSense for content and AdSense for search. Google’s advertising is a highly successful program of Google. The biggest share of its ad revenue comes from its search engine, but a significant part also comes from the ads it serves on third-party sites. The AdSense program has been doing great so far, but Google thought it was time for a little transparency concerning how much of the advertisers’ money it keeps for itself.
Neal Mohan, Vice President, Product Management at Google, wrote,“AdSense for content publishers, who make up the vast majority of our AdSense publishers, earn a 68% revenue share worldwide. This means we pay 68% of the revenue that we collect from advertisers for AdSense for content ads that appear on your sites. The remaining portion that we keep reflects Google's costs for our continued investment in AdSense,”.
“We pay our AdSense for search partners a 51% revenue share, worldwide, for the search ads that appear through their implementations. As with AdSense for content, the proportion of revenue that we keep reflects our costs, including the significant expense, research and development involved in building and enhancing our core search and AdWords technologies,”.
AdSense for content publishers serves contextual ads on third-party sites. Its advertising network is the largest in the world and its ease of use and mostly accurate algorithms, matching the right ads with the right sites, made it popular, especially with smaller publishers. Since launching the network in 2003, the rates have remained the same, 68 percent of the ad revenue goes to the publisher and Google keeps the rest.
AdSense for search serves search ads alongside queries on the customized Google search tools deployed by various sites. For these, the rates are smaller for the publishers as, Google says, it costs more to operate them. In truth, with AdSense for search, the company is providing an additional service, the search engine, besides serving the ads so that weighed on its decision. The rate has been at 51/49 since 2005, when the company increased it. For the immediate future, Google states it’s not likely it will modify any of the rates.
According to Googe, "We also offer additional AdSense products including AdSense for mobile applications, AdSense for feeds, and AdSense for games. We aren’t disclosing the revenue shares for these products at this time because they’re quickly evolving, and we're still learning about the costs associated with supporting them."
With this new update, for example, you would receive $68 with AdSense for content for $100 worth of advertising that appeared on your site. If another ad network offers an 80% revenue share, but is only able to collect $50 from ads served on your site, you would earn $40. In this case, a higher revenue share wouldn’t make up for the lower revenue yield of the other ad network.
Have you think about how do google know that this is a Valid or Invalid AdClick? Google Adsense serve a large number of ads and it necessary to findout the fraud or invalid clicks on ads. Here is a Google Invalid Clicks Tracking Methods below which helps everyone to understand that how google can trace your clicks. Google can easily track you and collect your behaviour and data which you have browsed. Google is a leading ad company and manage everything very smartly. As you know that Google Adsense allows to earn from valid clicks or page impressions. Ads are automatically distributed according to page materiel. Google adsense is very popular become Bloggers and everyone willing to get Adsense account. Many users making fraud clicks and try to earn easy money. But they often get banned because of Invalid Clicks method by Google.
But question is that How Google will detect invalid clicks? Google has highly sophisticated systems to detect invalid clicks. These are several ways to detect Invalid clicks:
IP Address: Its very common ways to detect invalid clicks almost all ads companies are using this method. Once you login to your account, your IP will be trace for such invalid click.
GEO Location: It has very powerful tools to detect from Geological Locations.
Cookies: Google will set cookies on your computer,that can trace even you restart your connection. Very strong tool for it. Your Website/Blog Design: Google will clearly say that adsense user must Read Terms of Services (TOS) before use. Its has clearly mention that don’t offer visitors to click on ads and clearly mention that ADS wherever there is ads. You should not ask anyone to click on ads.
Way of Click: The way of click is artificial intelligence,Normally peoples will surf net and click on the ads but peoples intentionally click on ads as they enter wesite/blog.
Google Services: Other google services will detect the invalid clicks (Youtube, gmail, gtalk etc).
Also google has many other Detection and monitoring technique and Advance monitoring technique to find such activities.
Remember that once you had been in invalid click scam the Google will suspend or ban your Account with or without intimation. You must take care of this things to prevent your adsense account getting banned. For easy earning don't go for a invalid methods and I wish for a good earning to you.
We understand that when showing ads on your site, there may be a few you'd like to prevent from appearing. There are a number of ad control and filtering tools in your AdSense account, which we've listed below to help you determine which ones are right for you.
Competitive Ad Filter
You can enter the specific URL of an ad into the Competitive Ad Filter to prevent ads from that site from appearing on your pages. If you'd like to block ads coming from an entire domain, enter a top-level domain such as www.example.com to block all ads that link to subdirectories below that domain.
Ad Review Center
The Ad Review Center, located under the AdSense Setup tab in your account, lets you review and filter any placement targeted ads that are appearing on your pages. You can filter ads by type (text or image), or by individual ad groups and advertisers.
Category Filtering
To use the category filtering feature, you first have to enable the Ad Review Center. Category filtering allows you to block ads from up to 8 categories such as dating, politics, and weight loss, from displaying on your pages. Ads in these categories will be filtered if they're in English, French, German, or Spanish, regardless of how they've been targeted to your pages.
If you still see filtered ads are appearing on your site after you've used these features, please take note of the following:
~Ad filters should become effective within 30 minutes, but in rare cases might take up to 48 hours to be effective. Review the information in our Help Center for more information.
~If you use both AdSense for content and AdSense for search, and wish to filter an ad from appearing in both products, make sure that you've entered the correct URL in question in both filters.
~If you display ads from more than one AdSense account on one page, you need to filter the URL(s) in both accounts.
That brings us to the end of our troubleshooting series for AdSense for content. Stay tuned next week for tips on troubleshooting issues with AdSense for search.
Once ads are displaying fine on your pages, your next concern may be your earnings. To make sure all your impressions and clicks are recorded correctly, check out the following notes and tips.
First, be aware that your AdSense reports are updated every 15 to 30 minutes, but can sometimes take up to 24 hours to update. So at times, if you don't see the numbers you expect in your reports, be sure to check again later once your reports have been updated.
Do you use the Allowed Sites feature?
Allowed sites are websites or URLs on which AdSense publishers allow or wish to have their Google ads displayed. If you use the allowed sites feature in your AdSense account, be sure to add all the websites you're displaying ads on, to the list of allowed sites. If you forget to add a sites where you're displaying ads, then impressions and clicks on the sites will be shown in your reports, but advertisers won't be charged and the clicks won't earn any revenue.
Do you have channels set up to track your clicks and impressions?
If your channel reports show more data than your aggregate reports, it might be the case that your domains or ad units are being tracked simultaneously on multiple URL or custom channels. If that's the case, then to see your complete, accurate statistics, visit your Advanced Reports page. When you select the Aggregate Data radio button and click Display Report, you'll see all clicks, page impressions, and earnings from your account with no duplication of data.
Alternatively, you may see that your aggregate reports show more data than your channel reports, even if all your pages are tracked with channels. This can occur sometimes when your page is displayed within a frame; in this case data won't appear in your channel reports but will display in your aggregate reports.
Channel data can be a bit tricky, so make sure to pick distinctive names to differentiate between URL and custom channels -- that way, you'll know exactly what data you're viewing. We also recommend checking out our optimization tips for channels to help you determine which ad units and placements are performing well, and how you can use this information to earn more revenue.
If you have ad placements, have you named them accurately?
Once you create channels for your ad units or domains, you can turn your custom channels into ad placements that advertisers can specifically target their ads to, using placement targeting. When entering a description for your channels to appear as ad placements, be sure to enter something informative and accurate to represent your site well.
Also, we advise you to be careful when renaming the ad placement as you will lose existing advertiser bids.
Next week, we'll look at publisher controls and how to filter certain ads from appearing on your site.
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*
If the sites you place the ad code on are behind a login, our crawler won´t be able to access your site. To grant access to such pages, please follow these instructions. Also, be sure to regularly check your site diagnostics tool to be aware of any blocked pages.
Is your site language supported by AdSense? Check to make sure that your site has a substantial amount of text-based content in one of the languages supported by AdSense. When there's enough content, our technology detects the primary language of each of your pages and delivers relevant ads in the appropriate language, even if your site contains multiple supported languages.
The crawlers used by Google AdSense index content by unique URL. As a result, if the URL is the same regardless which language the user chooses to view the pages in, our system will only have the language version it received when indexing this URL. This means that we'll show ads according to the page our system has in its cache, which might not match the language the user is viewing the page in. In order to resolve this, we suggest either of the following:
Create separate directories for each language, such as http://www.site.com/en/index.html
Send GET variables (encoded user information appended to the end of the URL after the ? character) in the URL to determine which language should be shown such as for example http://www.site.com/index.php?lang=en
Do you see public service announcements (PSAs) on a site which previously showed paid ads before?
If your AdSense account requires PIN or phone verification, you'll see a prompt in your account when you sign in. If you fail to verify your PIN or phone number (requirements vary depending on your location), then you may see PSAs on your site . If this is not your case, please visit our Help Center for further information.
Do You Getting Proper Earning From Google AdSense
the average cost per click on ads for that phrase is only 5 cents (as of today). Also, people who are in the “make money online” niche will have a very hard time competing with the top players in that niche. If you are not in the first or even second page of Google for that phrase, you will have a hard time making money on AdSense.
Proper Keyword Research: Before anyone decides to dive in and work on a niche, he or she must do proper keyword research. First, you need to download this free SEO add-on for Firefox: Direct Link or Official Site .
If you downloaded via direct link:
Extract the seo4firefox.zip and paste the folder in your C:/Documents and Settings/YOUR USERNAME/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/igdsaw6u.default(or similar folder)/extensions folder. For Windows 7 its almost similar but user folder name different.
Than start Firefox, it will show that new add-on extension has been installed.
Now search in google for any keyword to see effects. Also make sure SEO add-on is enable, from right down corner of Firefox, you can see the icon of SEO tool.
With that add-on, you will be able to quickly analyze the first few sites on the first page of Google. For example, you type in “cookies” in the search, you can quickly find out the Pagerank (PR) of each site listed there. As of today, the first 3 sites’ titles are listed in the following:
HTTP cookie – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (PR 8 )
Enable cookies : Search history and settings – Web Search Help (PR 6)
Cookies – All Recipes (PR 5)
Rule of thumb: If the first 3 sites on Google are 5+ PR, you will need several months/years to rank in the first page of Google. You will also need a lot of high quality backlinks to your site to compete with those sites. Trying to build a site to compete for the term “Cookies” will take you forever to make a decent amount of cash. You are trying to make money soon, and not 5 years later!
Now, let’s try “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”. As of today, the first 3 sites’ titles are listed in the following:
Chewy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies – All Recipes (PR 2)
Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe from Betty Crocker (PR 2)
Cooks.com – Recipes – Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (PR 2)
Whoa! You can easily dominate the #1 spot for this keyword (I have a feeling everyone who is reading this article will jump on that keyword). Now, to make sure this phrase is worth working on, check Google’s keyword tool. Type in the tool, “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”. Before you look at the numbers, look at the match type: it should say “Broad”. Set “Broad” to “Exact” to show the average of how many people would type in “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” per month. If you leave it on as “broad”, it will show you the total including other phrases that have “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” in it. For example, “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies recipe”, “chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, “healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, etc. You get the idea of the broad search?
As of today, the average per month search on “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” is 14,800 global monthly search. When it comes to making money on AdSense, just focus on the global monthly search. Look in the “Choose columns to display:” and enable “Estimated Avg. CPC”, that will show you a rough estimate of how much advertisers are willing to pay for that phrase. As of today, it is $1.34. Not bad!
If you are stuck having a hard time finding a niche, then go to Amazon, eBay, or anywhere to find a niche. There are an infinite amount of things you can write about. The best thing about Google’s keyword tool is that you can type in one keyword, and the keyword tool will help you brainstorm a bunch of ideas. When I typed in “cookies”, “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” was one of them. REMEMBER: Put the search on “Exact” instead of “Broad”.
Ok, so now you have the right niche, and you did proper keyword research, now what? You make a site (or blog) on it. You can even use free blogs such as Blogspot with a crappy domain. If you check “make money online” on Google, you will find 2-3 sites in the first page with a .blogspot.com domain.
The title of your site is VERY important! If you want to rank #1 on Google for “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, then the title of your site will need to be Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. DO NOT get fancy with the title. Do not think about writing the title as Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies – Easy To Make Recipes. Google looks for relevancy when it comes to search engine optimization. The title “Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies” has 100% relevancy for the keyword “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, while the other one is not 100% because there are additional words to the title. Based on my search earlier for that phrase, the top 3 sites had PR 2 and none of them had 100% relevant titles. This is why you can easily dominate that spot (but sorry, after reading this article I’m sure bunch of you will be trying to fight over the same niche).
What to write for this niche? Go to Google’s keyword tool, and type in “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”. You will see a huge list of ideas, such as “chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” and “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies recipe”. You want your site to have posts that are all relevant to the title.
Do not always be intimidated when you see authoritative sites on the first 3 positions of Google. For example, while Allrecipes.com is a PR 7, the links inside the site gets weaker and weaker as you have to go deeper into the site to look for something. For example, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies is a few links deep inside Allrecipes.com. Webmasters often times call pageranks “Linkjuice”, and this “Linkjuice” gets spread out to each link in your site. This is why the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies link in Allrecipes.com is a PR 2 instead of PR 7.
Make sure backlinks going to your site have proper anchor text links. Anchor text link is like “Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies” (link to your site) instead of blahblah.com. Typically, people would link to your site as just the domain name. I am not going to write an article on how to build backlinks. If the anchor text link says Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, it is telling Google EXACTLY what the site is about. Do not just focus on one type of anchor text link because that will be suspicious. Google wants everything to look natural so you want anchor text links to say “chewy oatmeal chocolate chipc cookies” as an example to diversify your backlinks.
Also Key things to keep in mind:
~Build lots of backlinks with proper anchor text links.
~Make sure the title of your site is 100% relevant to the keywords that you want to dominate.
~Do your keyword research to make sure that the niche has weak competition and decent advertisers spending for that keyword.
Source: thanks to original posted by blogsolute.com
Today, we're beginning a troubleshooting series to help you diagnose and solve common issues with your ads, search boxes, and account functionality. We're kicking things off with a look at how to correctly implement your ad code and an explanation of why ads may not appear on your pages at times.
First, the best way to ensure ads are served correctly is to copy and paste the code exactly as it's provided in your account. Changing the code and manipulating ad behavior aren't permitted by our program policies, and in most cases will prevent your ad from appearing at all.
If you've noticed that your ad units aren't showing ads, here are a few things to check for:
Did you just add the code to that page? Relevant ads should appear on your pages shortly after you add the code, but sometimes it can take up to 48 hours for ads to show. This is because our crawler has to visit your page and determine its content so we can serve targeted ads.
Does the code on your page match the code in your account? Make sure to copy the code exactly as it appears in your account, and paste it within the body tags of your HTML code. Be sure not to make any changes to the linebreaks of the code (e.g. pasting the code all in one line) as this will break the code and prevent ads from showing entirely.
Are you using an HTML editor? Publishers often use a design-enhanced HTML editor like Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage (aka WYSIWIG, "what you see is what you get" software). If you use such an editor, you may see errors if you paste your ad code into a WYSIWYG view such as the "Design" or "Layout" view. For the ads to function properly, you'll have to copy and paste the ad code into the HTML source code of your webpage using the editor's HTML view or HTML insert function. Check for any additional tags inserted by the system or changes in the linebreaks.
Are you using a content management system (CMS)? If you have trouble implementing AdSense with a specific content management system, we recommend searching for the name of the CMS (eg. Drupal, WordPress) and 'AdSense implementation'. You can also ask in the forum if other publishers have mastered similar problems, or contact your program provider directly.
Are the ads inside nested frames? While you can choose where to position your ads on your pages, be sure to avoid embedding the ad code in excessive div tags or nested frames. Depending on your browser settings, implementing your ad code in this way might prevent ads from appearing correctly.
Is JavaScript enabled in your browser? Ensure that you have JavaScript enabled in your browser, as this is necessary to view ads! If you're having trouble seeing the ads, please also check for any conflicting JavaScript on your site that might prevent ads from showing.
Is your page dynamically generated? If you'd like to implement AdSense ads on a dynamically generated site -- for example, a site with session IDs or pages behind a login -- you should take a look at this Help Center entry for more information on how to receive targeted ads.
In the next part of this series, we'll provide tips to help you troubleshoot ad relevancy and targeting issues.
AdSense Tips To Increase Earning
But question is that How Google will detect invalid clicks? Google has highly sophisticated systems to detect invalid clicks. These are several ways to detect Invalid clicks:
IP Address: Its very common ways to detect invalid clicks almost all ads companies are using this method. Once you login to your account, your IP will be trace for such invalid click.
GEO Location: It has very powerful tools to detect from Geological Locations.
Cookies: Google will set cookies on your computer,that can trace even you restart your connection. Very strong tool for it. Your Website/Blog Design: Google will clearly say that adsense user must Read Terms of Services (TOS) before use. Its has clearly mention that don’t offer visitors to click on ads and clearly mention that ADS wherever there is ads. You should not ask anyone to click on ads.
Way of Click: The way of click is artificial intelligence,Normally peoples will surf net and click on the ads but peoples intentionally click on ads as they enter wesite/blog.
Google Services: Other google services will detect the invalid clicks (Youtube, gmail, gtalk etc).
Also google has many other Detection and monitoring technique and Advance monitoring technique to find such activities.
Remember that once you had been in invalid click scam the Google will suspend or ban your Account with or without intimation. You must take care of this things to prevent your adsense account getting banned. For easy earning don't go for a invalid methods and I wish for a good earning to you.
Revenue Shares for AdSense Content and Search
Google decided to sharing the revenue shares for two main AdSense products i.e. AdSense for content and AdSense for search. Google’s advertising is a highly successful program of Google. The biggest share of its ad revenue comes from its search engine, but a significant part also comes from the ads it serves on third-party sites. The AdSense program has been doing great so far, but Google thought it was time for a little transparency concerning how much of the advertisers’ money it keeps for itself.
Neal Mohan, Vice President, Product Management at Google, wrote,“AdSense for content publishers, who make up the vast majority of our AdSense publishers, earn a 68% revenue share worldwide. This means we pay 68% of the revenue that we collect from advertisers for AdSense for content ads that appear on your sites. The remaining portion that we keep reflects Google's costs for our continued investment in AdSense,”.
“We pay our AdSense for search partners a 51% revenue share, worldwide, for the search ads that appear through their implementations. As with AdSense for content, the proportion of revenue that we keep reflects our costs, including the significant expense, research and development involved in building and enhancing our core search and AdWords technologies,”.
AdSense for content publishers serves contextual ads on third-party sites. Its advertising network is the largest in the world and its ease of use and mostly accurate algorithms, matching the right ads with the right sites, made it popular, especially with smaller publishers. Since launching the network in 2003, the rates have remained the same, 68 percent of the ad revenue goes to the publisher and Google keeps the rest.
AdSense for search serves search ads alongside queries on the customized Google search tools deployed by various sites. For these, the rates are smaller for the publishers as, Google says, it costs more to operate them. In truth, with AdSense for search, the company is providing an additional service, the search engine, besides serving the ads so that weighed on its decision. The rate has been at 51/49 since 2005, when the company increased it. For the immediate future, Google states it’s not likely it will modify any of the rates.
According to Googe, "We also offer additional AdSense products including AdSense for mobile applications, AdSense for feeds, and AdSense for games. We aren’t disclosing the revenue shares for these products at this time because they’re quickly evolving, and we're still learning about the costs associated with supporting them."
With this new update, for example, you would receive $68 with AdSense for content for $100 worth of advertising that appeared on your site. If another ad network offers an 80% revenue share, but is only able to collect $50 from ads served on your site, you would earn $40. In this case, a higher revenue share wouldn’t make up for the lower revenue yield of the other ad network.
How Google Track Invalid Clicks
But question is that How Google will detect invalid clicks? Google has highly sophisticated systems to detect invalid clicks. These are several ways to detect Invalid clicks:
IP Address: Its very common ways to detect invalid clicks almost all ads companies are using this method. Once you login to your account, your IP will be trace for such invalid click.
GEO Location: It has very powerful tools to detect from Geological Locations.
Cookies: Google will set cookies on your computer,that can trace even you restart your connection. Very strong tool for it. Your Website/Blog Design: Google will clearly say that adsense user must Read Terms of Services (TOS) before use. Its has clearly mention that don’t offer visitors to click on ads and clearly mention that ADS wherever there is ads. You should not ask anyone to click on ads.
Way of Click: The way of click is artificial intelligence,Normally peoples will surf net and click on the ads but peoples intentionally click on ads as they enter wesite/blog.
Google Services: Other google services will detect the invalid clicks (Youtube, gmail, gtalk etc).
Also google has many other Detection and monitoring technique and Advance monitoring technique to find such activities.
Remember that once you had been in invalid click scam the Google will suspend or ban your Account with or without intimation. You must take care of this things to prevent your adsense account getting banned. For easy earning don't go for a invalid methods and I wish for a good earning to you.
Inside AdSense Troubleshooting Tips Part IV: Ad Controls and Filtering

We understand that when showing ads on your site, there may be a few you'd like to prevent from appearing. There are a number of ad control and filtering tools in your AdSense account, which we've listed below to help you determine which ones are right for you.
Competitive Ad Filter
You can enter the specific URL of an ad into the Competitive Ad Filter to prevent ads from that site from appearing on your pages. If you'd like to block ads coming from an entire domain, enter a top-level domain such as www.example.com to block all ads that link to subdirectories below that domain.
Ad Review Center
The Ad Review Center, located under the AdSense Setup tab in your account, lets you review and filter any placement targeted ads that are appearing on your pages. You can filter ads by type (text or image), or by individual ad groups and advertisers.
Category Filtering
To use the category filtering feature, you first have to enable the Ad Review Center. Category filtering allows you to block ads from up to 8 categories such as dating, politics, and weight loss, from displaying on your pages. Ads in these categories will be filtered if they're in English, French, German, or Spanish, regardless of how they've been targeted to your pages.
If you still see filtered ads are appearing on your site after you've used these features, please take note of the following:
~Ad filters should become effective within 30 minutes, but in rare cases might take up to 48 hours to be effective. Review the information in our Help Center for more information.
~If you use both AdSense for content and AdSense for search, and wish to filter an ad from appearing in both products, make sure that you've entered the correct URL in question in both filters.
~If you display ads from more than one AdSense account on one page, you need to filter the URL(s) in both accounts.
That brings us to the end of our troubleshooting series for AdSense for content. Stay tuned next week for tips on troubleshooting issues with AdSense for search.
Inside AdSense Troubleshooting Tips: Performance Reports & Earnings
Once ads are displaying fine on your pages, your next concern may be your earnings. To make sure all your impressions and clicks are recorded correctly, check out the following notes and tips.
First, be aware that your AdSense reports are updated every 15 to 30 minutes, but can sometimes take up to 24 hours to update. So at times, if you don't see the numbers you expect in your reports, be sure to check again later once your reports have been updated.
Do you use the Allowed Sites feature?
Allowed sites are websites or URLs on which AdSense publishers allow or wish to have their Google ads displayed. If you use the allowed sites feature in your AdSense account, be sure to add all the websites you're displaying ads on, to the list of allowed sites. If you forget to add a sites where you're displaying ads, then impressions and clicks on the sites will be shown in your reports, but advertisers won't be charged and the clicks won't earn any revenue.
Do you have channels set up to track your clicks and impressions?
If your channel reports show more data than your aggregate reports, it might be the case that your domains or ad units are being tracked simultaneously on multiple URL or custom channels. If that's the case, then to see your complete, accurate statistics, visit your Advanced Reports page. When you select the Aggregate Data radio button and click Display Report, you'll see all clicks, page impressions, and earnings from your account with no duplication of data.
Alternatively, you may see that your aggregate reports show more data than your channel reports, even if all your pages are tracked with channels. This can occur sometimes when your page is displayed within a frame; in this case data won't appear in your channel reports but will display in your aggregate reports.
Channel data can be a bit tricky, so make sure to pick distinctive names to differentiate between URL and custom channels -- that way, you'll know exactly what data you're viewing. We also recommend checking out our optimization tips for channels to help you determine which ad units and placements are performing well, and how you can use this information to earn more revenue.
If you have ad placements, have you named them accurately?
Once you create channels for your ad units or domains, you can turn your custom channels into ad placements that advertisers can specifically target their ads to, using placement targeting. When entering a description for your channels to appear as ad placements, be sure to enter something informative and accurate to represent your site well.
Also, we advise you to be careful when renaming the ad placement as you will lose existing advertiser bids.
Next week, we'll look at publisher controls and how to filter certain ads from appearing on your site.
Inside AdSense- Ad Relevance and Targeting co
To follow up on our previous post about ad relevance and targeting, let's look at some other reasons why you may experience ad targeting issues on your site.
Have you blocked the AdSense crawler's access to your pages? The AdSense crawler is an automated program that scans your web pages and tracks content for indexing. Sometimes we don't crawl pages because the AdSense crawler doesn't have access to your pages, in which case we're unable to determine their content and show relevant ads. Here are a few specific instances when our crawler can't access a site:
If you use a robots.txt file which regulates the crawler access to your page. In this case, you can grant the AdSense crawler access by adding these lines to the top of your robots.txt file:
Have you blocked the AdSense crawler's access to your pages? The AdSense crawler is an automated program that scans your web pages and tracks content for indexing. Sometimes we don't crawl pages because the AdSense crawler doesn't have access to your pages, in which case we're unable to determine their content and show relevant ads. Here are a few specific instances when our crawler can't access a site:
If you use a robots.txt file which regulates the crawler access to your page. In this case, you can grant the AdSense crawler access by adding these lines to the top of your robots.txt file:
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google*
If the sites you place the ad code on are behind a login, our crawler won´t be able to access your site. To grant access to such pages, please follow these instructions. Also, be sure to regularly check your site diagnostics tool to be aware of any blocked pages.
Is your site language supported by AdSense? Check to make sure that your site has a substantial amount of text-based content in one of the languages supported by AdSense. When there's enough content, our technology detects the primary language of each of your pages and delivers relevant ads in the appropriate language, even if your site contains multiple supported languages.
The crawlers used by Google AdSense index content by unique URL. As a result, if the URL is the same regardless which language the user chooses to view the pages in, our system will only have the language version it received when indexing this URL. This means that we'll show ads according to the page our system has in its cache, which might not match the language the user is viewing the page in. In order to resolve this, we suggest either of the following:
Create separate directories for each language, such as http://www.site.com/en/index.html
Send GET variables (encoded user information appended to the end of the URL after the ? character) in the URL to determine which language should be shown such as for example http://www.site.com/index.php?lang=en
Do you see public service announcements (PSAs) on a site which previously showed paid ads before?
If your AdSense account requires PIN or phone verification, you'll see a prompt in your account when you sign in. If you fail to verify your PIN or phone number (requirements vary depending on your location), then you may see PSAs on your site . If this is not your case, please visit our Help Center for further information.
Do You Getting Proper Earning From Google AdSense
Its a common question about to low income from Google adsense while you feels that you have enough visitors and clicks. If you having trouble making money with Google AdSense? You can see many threads in different webmaster forums, such as, “200 clicks and only 60 cents?”, “Why is no one clicking my ads?”, and “Why are my clicks only 1-2 cents each?” Its may not the real truth behind it and you can follow some simple tips here to ensure to got enough revenue you deserved.Whats the Main Reasons for Getting Low Clicks?
1st is picking for wrong niche and 2nd to not doing proper keyword research.
Wrong Niche: There are some niche out there that has low competition and low demand. You might be thinking, “Great, if it has low competition, then I will be #1 on Google fast so I can make a lot of money with AdSense.” Wrong. Just because you get to #1 fast does not mean the niche has a lot of advertisers willing to pay well. For example, “toffee basket” niche has very low competition, and based on Google’s keyword tool here: https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal .

Wrong Niche: There are some niche out there that has low competition and low demand. You might be thinking, “Great, if it has low competition, then I will be #1 on Google fast so I can make a lot of money with AdSense.” Wrong. Just because you get to #1 fast does not mean the niche has a lot of advertisers willing to pay well. For example, “toffee basket” niche has very low competition, and based on Google’s keyword tool here: https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal .
the average cost per click on ads for that phrase is only 5 cents (as of today). Also, people who are in the “make money online” niche will have a very hard time competing with the top players in that niche. If you are not in the first or even second page of Google for that phrase, you will have a hard time making money on AdSense.
Proper Keyword Research: Before anyone decides to dive in and work on a niche, he or she must do proper keyword research. First, you need to download this free SEO add-on for Firefox: Direct Link or Official Site .
If you downloaded via direct link:
Extract the seo4firefox.zip and paste the folder in your C:/Documents and Settings/YOUR USERNAME/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/igdsaw6u.default(or similar folder)/extensions folder. For Windows 7 its almost similar but user folder name different.
Than start Firefox, it will show that new add-on extension has been installed.
Now search in google for any keyword to see effects. Also make sure SEO add-on is enable, from right down corner of Firefox, you can see the icon of SEO tool.
With that add-on, you will be able to quickly analyze the first few sites on the first page of Google. For example, you type in “cookies” in the search, you can quickly find out the Pagerank (PR) of each site listed there. As of today, the first 3 sites’ titles are listed in the following:
HTTP cookie – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (PR 8 )
Enable cookies : Search history and settings – Web Search Help (PR 6)
Cookies – All Recipes (PR 5)
Rule of thumb: If the first 3 sites on Google are 5+ PR, you will need several months/years to rank in the first page of Google. You will also need a lot of high quality backlinks to your site to compete with those sites. Trying to build a site to compete for the term “Cookies” will take you forever to make a decent amount of cash. You are trying to make money soon, and not 5 years later!
Now, let’s try “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”. As of today, the first 3 sites’ titles are listed in the following:
Chewy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies – All Recipes (PR 2)
Oatmeal-Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe from Betty Crocker (PR 2)
Cooks.com – Recipes – Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies (PR 2)
Whoa! You can easily dominate the #1 spot for this keyword (I have a feeling everyone who is reading this article will jump on that keyword). Now, to make sure this phrase is worth working on, check Google’s keyword tool. Type in the tool, “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”. Before you look at the numbers, look at the match type: it should say “Broad”. Set “Broad” to “Exact” to show the average of how many people would type in “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” per month. If you leave it on as “broad”, it will show you the total including other phrases that have “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” in it. For example, “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies recipe”, “chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, “healthy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, etc. You get the idea of the broad search?
As of today, the average per month search on “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” is 14,800 global monthly search. When it comes to making money on AdSense, just focus on the global monthly search. Look in the “Choose columns to display:” and enable “Estimated Avg. CPC”, that will show you a rough estimate of how much advertisers are willing to pay for that phrase. As of today, it is $1.34. Not bad!
If you are stuck having a hard time finding a niche, then go to Amazon, eBay, or anywhere to find a niche. There are an infinite amount of things you can write about. The best thing about Google’s keyword tool is that you can type in one keyword, and the keyword tool will help you brainstorm a bunch of ideas. When I typed in “cookies”, “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” was one of them. REMEMBER: Put the search on “Exact” instead of “Broad”.
Ok, so now you have the right niche, and you did proper keyword research, now what? You make a site (or blog) on it. You can even use free blogs such as Blogspot with a crappy domain. If you check “make money online” on Google, you will find 2-3 sites in the first page with a .blogspot.com domain.
The title of your site is VERY important! If you want to rank #1 on Google for “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, then the title of your site will need to be Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies. DO NOT get fancy with the title. Do not think about writing the title as Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies – Easy To Make Recipes. Google looks for relevancy when it comes to search engine optimization. The title “Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies” has 100% relevancy for the keyword “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”, while the other one is not 100% because there are additional words to the title. Based on my search earlier for that phrase, the top 3 sites had PR 2 and none of them had 100% relevant titles. This is why you can easily dominate that spot (but sorry, after reading this article I’m sure bunch of you will be trying to fight over the same niche).
What to write for this niche? Go to Google’s keyword tool, and type in “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies”. You will see a huge list of ideas, such as “chewy oatmeal chocolate chip cookies” and “oatmeal chocolate chip cookies recipe”. You want your site to have posts that are all relevant to the title.
Do not always be intimidated when you see authoritative sites on the first 3 positions of Google. For example, while Allrecipes.com is a PR 7, the links inside the site gets weaker and weaker as you have to go deeper into the site to look for something. For example, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies is a few links deep inside Allrecipes.com. Webmasters often times call pageranks “Linkjuice”, and this “Linkjuice” gets spread out to each link in your site. This is why the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies link in Allrecipes.com is a PR 2 instead of PR 7.
Make sure backlinks going to your site have proper anchor text links. Anchor text link is like “Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies” (link to your site) instead of blahblah.com. Typically, people would link to your site as just the domain name. I am not going to write an article on how to build backlinks. If the anchor text link says Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies, it is telling Google EXACTLY what the site is about. Do not just focus on one type of anchor text link because that will be suspicious. Google wants everything to look natural so you want anchor text links to say “chewy oatmeal chocolate chipc cookies” as an example to diversify your backlinks.
Also Key things to keep in mind:
~Build lots of backlinks with proper anchor text links.
~Make sure the title of your site is 100% relevant to the keywords that you want to dominate.
~Do your keyword research to make sure that the niche has weak competition and decent advertisers spending for that keyword.
Source: thanks to original posted by blogsolute.com
Inside AdSense Troubleshooting Tips Ad Relevance and Targeting
In previous post we took a closer look at implementing your ad code, and today, we'll address some of the common issues related to ad targeting. If you're seeing irrelevant ads or public service ads (PSAs) on your pages after you've pasted the ad code into your HTML source code and waited the recommended 48 hrs, here are a things to check:Have you placed the AdSense ad code in frames separate from the main content of your website? If so, you may experience ad targeting issues. In order for our crawlers to match the ads to the content of your website, it is important to place the ad code in the same frame as the main content of your webste. If you're familiar with HTML, and your website is talking about several different topics you could also consider implementing section targeting on your site to highlight relevant content.
Do you have mostly dynamic content on your site? Our crawlers currently can't derive meaning from these types of files:
- audio and video files (.wma, .mpeg, .mov)
- mp3 files (.mp3)
- images (.jpeg, .bmp)
- Macromedia Flash movies
- Java Applets
To receive more relevant ads, we recommend including plenty of text-based content on your site, including complete sentences and paragraphs.
Do your pages use session IDs? A session ID is a piece of data serves as a unique identifier for a session. If your pages use session IDs, you may not receive targeted ads on those pages. Since this session ID - and therefore the URL - changes every time a different user views a page, the URL will not be indexed and will need to be crawled from scratch. Once the URL is crawled, however, the session will most likely have expired. This means that pages seen by the users are rarely in the index. You'll need to remove the session IDs in order to show more targeted ads to your users.
We hope these tips help you resolve any targeting issues you experience with your ads. Next week, we'll take a look at some other reasons why you may see irrelevant ads or PSAs on your site, and how you can best resolve them.
Do you have mostly dynamic content on your site? Our crawlers currently can't derive meaning from these types of files:
- audio and video files (.wma, .mpeg, .mov)
- mp3 files (.mp3)
- images (.jpeg, .bmp)
- Macromedia Flash movies
- Java Applets
To receive more relevant ads, we recommend including plenty of text-based content on your site, including complete sentences and paragraphs.
Do your pages use session IDs? A session ID is a piece of data serves as a unique identifier for a session. If your pages use session IDs, you may not receive targeted ads on those pages. Since this session ID - and therefore the URL - changes every time a different user views a page, the URL will not be indexed and will need to be crawled from scratch. Once the URL is crawled, however, the session will most likely have expired. This means that pages seen by the users are rarely in the index. You'll need to remove the session IDs in order to show more targeted ads to your users.
We hope these tips help you resolve any targeting issues you experience with your ads. Next week, we'll take a look at some other reasons why you may see irrelevant ads or PSAs on your site, and how you can best resolve them.
Inside AdSense: Troubleshooting Tips Part I: Implementing Your ad Code

First, the best way to ensure ads are served correctly is to copy and paste the code exactly as it's provided in your account. Changing the code and manipulating ad behavior aren't permitted by our program policies, and in most cases will prevent your ad from appearing at all.
If you've noticed that your ad units aren't showing ads, here are a few things to check for:
Did you just add the code to that page? Relevant ads should appear on your pages shortly after you add the code, but sometimes it can take up to 48 hours for ads to show. This is because our crawler has to visit your page and determine its content so we can serve targeted ads.
Does the code on your page match the code in your account? Make sure to copy the code exactly as it appears in your account, and paste it within the body tags of your HTML code. Be sure not to make any changes to the linebreaks of the code (e.g. pasting the code all in one line) as this will break the code and prevent ads from showing entirely.
Are you using an HTML editor? Publishers often use a design-enhanced HTML editor like Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage (aka WYSIWIG, "what you see is what you get" software). If you use such an editor, you may see errors if you paste your ad code into a WYSIWYG view such as the "Design" or "Layout" view. For the ads to function properly, you'll have to copy and paste the ad code into the HTML source code of your webpage using the editor's HTML view or HTML insert function. Check for any additional tags inserted by the system or changes in the linebreaks.
Are you using a content management system (CMS)? If you have trouble implementing AdSense with a specific content management system, we recommend searching for the name of the CMS (eg. Drupal, WordPress) and 'AdSense implementation'. You can also ask in the forum if other publishers have mastered similar problems, or contact your program provider directly.
Are the ads inside nested frames? While you can choose where to position your ads on your pages, be sure to avoid embedding the ad code in excessive div tags or nested frames. Depending on your browser settings, implementing your ad code in this way might prevent ads from appearing correctly.
Is JavaScript enabled in your browser? Ensure that you have JavaScript enabled in your browser, as this is necessary to view ads! If you're having trouble seeing the ads, please also check for any conflicting JavaScript on your site that might prevent ads from showing.
Is your page dynamically generated? If you'd like to implement AdSense ads on a dynamically generated site -- for example, a site with session IDs or pages behind a login -- you should take a look at this Help Center entry for more information on how to receive targeted ads.
In the next part of this series, we'll provide tips to help you troubleshoot ad relevancy and targeting issues.
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