Hack Nokia s40 Security!! Run Java Apps not to ask about Permissions

==================First Way=================
Hi there friends! Today I'll tell you how to sign java apps with hacker's certificate, so they won't disturb you anymore! 
Start with download these applications:
BeHappyInstall.zip  (75.6 KB)
user.zip (703 Bytes) 
1 Install application OxyCube and it will let you copy/read files in system folders,  we'll need it. 
Now go there to phone C:\Hiddenfolder\certificates\user and copy the contents form file user.zip to this path files 
After copying files from user.zip in "C:\Hiddenfolder\certificates\user " , install the certificate by double clicking on it. It'll guide u step by step to perform installation. After certificate's been installed, restart your phone. 
Note: If OxyCuebe not able to show this folder or get any error message than download and try with MobiMB form here: MobiMB_v3.5_full_Cracked.rar coz some s40 phone not compatible wiht OxyCube. 
2. Then, install BeHappy application.
drag & drop .jar file to BeHappy window - you will get popup balloon informing that app is signed
4. Now copy BOTH .jar & .jad to your phone (doesn't matter bt or usb or card reader)
5. Highlight app - click options - application access set all to 'always allowed'
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 with any apps you install. 
May not all apps will works however, you can apps yourself, and some apps will be 'signed', and some won't run.
==================Second Way=================
This way you can easier get rid of only file system permissions than installing lots of softwares and signing everything. Remember just delete .jad files of signed files - and see the result. Tested on 3120 Classic with minicommander, liteftp, kd player, mobyexplorer 3 cracked, readmaniac, mobilerar.

A brief description: every s40 phone has Product Profile. it's like advanced configuration file for nokia. The trick is to modify Product Profile for your phone, so every unsigned java app will have access to file system perfectly without even setting permissions!

You will use JAF service software for applying this hack. Supported following s40 phones:

2626, 2630, 2660, 2760, 3109c, 3110c, 3120c, 5200, 5300, 5310, 6021, 6070, 6080, 6101, 6103, 6111, 6126, 6103, 6230i, 6233, 6270, 6280, 6300, 6300i, 6301, 7500 prism, 8600 luna, 6131, 6133, 6131 NFC, 6020, 6101b
Download Here: 
1 Jaf.rar (18 Mb) or jaf.rar or jaf.rar

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