New Ovi Browser Beta for Nokia S40 Phones

Nokia Beta Labs have introduced the new Ovi Browser for S40. The browser is still in beta. Ovi Browser uses custom servers to open a page, compresses it and send the compressed version to your phone. Just like other mobile browser like UC Browser, Bolt and Opera Mini does. Ovi Browser looks very, very similar to Opera Mini 4.2 though Beta Labs didn't say if they've used Opera code and servers.  
According to Nokia Beta Labs, "We’re excited to introduce the Ovi Browser beta  for Series 40 phones to help meet the needs of mobile Internet users in emerging markets and around the world.  We believe users of Series 40 should be entitled to rich web browsing experiences like those of smartphones, but without the same price tag". 

The Ovi Browser beta lacks some features, but developers are working on adding new ones for the next beta so, we don't know what exactly will be included and what will be left out of the final version. Ovi Browser features fast page loads transferring up to 90% less data, URL and form auto-filling, integration with search engines (Yahoo!, Google, Bing), bookmarks and others. Some of the features missing in action that we'd like to see added are tabs (though Opera Mini 4.2 doesn't have tabs either), find on page and saving pages. Nokia S40 devices have been coming preloaded with Opera Mini for a long while, but this might be coming to an end. 

Ovi Browser is available as a beta download for popular Nokia Series 40 phones including: 2700 Classic, 2730 Classic, 3120 Classic, 3600 Slide, 5130 XpressMusic, 5220 Xpressmusic, 5310 XpressMusic, 5330 Mobile TV Edition, 5330 Xpressmusic, 5610, 6300i, 6303, 6500 Slide, 6500 Classic, 6600 Slide, 6700 Classic, 7210 Supernova, 7900 Prism and X3. 
There don't seem to be plans to bring Ovi Browser to Symbian.

If you want to test it out, you can download direct below link or open browser.ovi.com on your phone.  

Download Ovi Browse Beta: 
Ovi Browse Beta (334 KB) 

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