10 Android Facts You Never Knew

Google Android, has been in the news in the past and will remain that way for a while now. Many of you probably know the entire history of Android, if you've read the article, History Lesson: Android 0-Android 2.2. If not take, please take some time out to go through the extensively researched article on Android's beginnings. But there is more that I would like to tell you about the origins of Android, venturing beyond the known facts to the unknown. Some of you might know them and some of you might not, so forgive me if I have repeated what you already know.

1. Pastry-Based Versions (and in Alphabetic order)
OK! So, you already know all about the versions of Android OS, but did you ever give a thought to whether they are all pastry-based names and more importantly if they run in alphabetical order? Well, I got you didn't I? Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, the soon to be released Gingerbread and the recently announced Honeycomb, doesn't matter what their version numbers are but the names definitely make a difference. 

2. Android's Firsts
So many Android phones, so many apps, but which was the first? As they say, "Being first doesn't matter all the time, but it never gets better than that." So here it is, some firsts you know and some you missed out on. The first phone to launch Android OS was the HTC Dream G1. The first app to be developed for the platform was the highly popular game, Snake. The first malware for the Android OS was the SMS-Trojan, which was called Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.apk, that would run up your text messaging bill. The Android OS also happens to be the first OS to have been developed keeping multi-tasking in mind. Even the iOS was not built that way until the latest 3GS and 4 offerings. Also, the first Android-based MP4 player, GoGear Connect, manufactured by Philips has Wi-Fi and some other sweet features (fancy huh?). The most downloaded Android app as of 2nd July, 2010 was 'The Weather Channel' with more than 5 million downloads and counting. Guess the weather has been too unpredictable for people to actually keep a close watch on it! 

There definitely would be other firsts about Android that I would have missed, so do leave a comment and let me know. Moving on, did you know Google developers put together 12 million lines of code to make the Android OS of today? More on that on the other side of this page.  

3. Android Not Google's Baby:
Yes that's right. Android was not developed or invented by Google, but by Android Inc way back in 2003, only to be bought over by Google for a good $50 million. To read more on that in detail please go here, where I have covered the Android origins in detail.

Android did not interest Google until after the announcement of the iPhone by Apple on the 9th of June, 2007 and actually started flooding the market post 27th July, 2007 and whatever Apple or Microsoft are interested in, Google is too.

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